Our People
Be a part of this amazing journey. This is time to take them forward
“Building and strengthening scholarships ecosystem by providing scholarship scheme access to deserving needy students, improving the delivery of public and private scholarship schemes, and catalyzing new money in scholarship kitty.”

“GAP is extremely privileged to have in its community of Changemakers the founder of YDF Saurabh Mehrotra. Over the last few years YDF has done tremendous amount of work in providing access to education for the under-privileged and marginalised children. Their scholarship model is one that can mitigate several barriers for children seeking higher education and opportunities. I have had the opportunity to interact with Saurabh at several occasions and was moved by his story, courage and passion to take YDF across the country and serve 1 million children. I wish him all the perseverance, gumption and luck for this aim. Much love and wishes.”
